To road trip back in a YELLOW JEEP :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Road Trip
Flying to Salt lake city! with Shelby and mi padre tomorrow

To road trip back in a YELLOW JEEP :)
To road trip back in a YELLOW JEEP :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
This picture doesnt really have anything to do with anything....I just think its funny :)
I am listening to a book on tape while I run called Escape, about a woman who escapes from the fundamentalist Mormon community. I can barely listen at some points when she explains the abuse she has lived through and seen other people live through. It’s so heart breaking that anyone would have to live with that abuse, believing their salvation depends on their obedience...ah so sad!
Also I have been watching the show sister wives, about the fundamentalist Mormon community and it’s so frustrating to me how happy they make it seem. Sure I believe some of them have happy, non abuse suffering lives, but many of them do not live this way. I have read to many books about the torture these women go through and this show makes me so upset. They are trying to sway our view of not only polygamy but the FLDS church. Rant over, but I can’t stop thinking about these women and how hard it is for them to escape their and leave the religion even if they want to!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Desperation Passion Mission! Fall retreat 2010!

The two most impactful questions from CRUs annual Fall retreat this weekend
1. What would people around you say you are passionate about?
2. What is your purpose in life based on those passions?
I could not answer these questions, I dont think my lifes passions are necessarily evident to the people in my life.
3. Why? Why arent the things I am most passionate about consume the majority of my time, thoughts and speech. If God is so important in my life and I put my future and life in his hands why is that not evident!!
I am a sinner...afraid of rejection...afraid of responsibility... many things.
What I learned is I need to stand for what I stand for and not shy away.
The two most impactful questions from CRUs annual Fall retreat this weekend
1. What would people around you say you are passionate about?
2. What is your purpose in life based on those passions?
I could not answer these questions, I dont think my lifes passions are necessarily evident to the people in my life.
3. Why? Why arent the things I am most passionate about consume the majority of my time, thoughts and speech. If God is so important in my life and I put my future and life in his hands why is that not evident!!
I am a sinner...afraid of rejection...afraid of responsibility... many things.
What I learned is I need to stand for what I stand for and not shy away.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Nursing School!
Demonstrating what the organs look like in the body
Kathryn Doyle!! The patient we assess EVERY friday! poor lady
The lovely arms we learn to put IVs in
Computer IV's...pretty legit!
Assessment test room!
YAY nursing

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
God Consciousness
What decisions would I make differently, what actions would I take, how would I live my day to day if I lived it with God standing behind me...
In Bible study Priscilla Shirer gave an example of her sister at a bootcamp workout, and how the workout would become 100x more enjoyable and easy for her sister when the instructor was nearby. This applies to our daily thoughts and actions and living for God. Waking up each morning with the knowledge that God is here and watching and helping, will have a definite impact on the actions and choices you make. She mentioned that having God awareness is going to cost you something and cause you to make decisions that you normally wouldnt make. God calls us to certain tasks and allows us to be part of his mission and plan for the world. How do we know what those plans are? He talks to us... The more you know God the more clearly you will be able to hear him. The more effort and time you put into a relationship with Him the easier it will be to distinguish Gods voice and desires from those of this world. Just as with family and friends the more you know about them, the easier it is to distinguish them in a crowd.
I just thought this was funny
Monday, October 11, 2010
Last semester
We have to register for our LAST semester of nursing school next week! Awesome right?
Yes, but I have so many choices to make! which hospital do I want to work at, what area of nursing, I have no idea! too many choices! aaaaaa
Do I go for the hospitals I have never been too or the ones I already know I like? Do I go for peds even though there is only one spot or try and get the medsurge area I want?
Panic Attack completed I will fill out my request survey now...
Yes, but I have so many choices to make! which hospital do I want to work at, what area of nursing, I have no idea! too many choices! aaaaaa
Do I go for the hospitals I have never been too or the ones I already know I like? Do I go for peds even though there is only one spot or try and get the medsurge area I want?
Panic Attack completed I will fill out my request survey now...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
America's 4 views of God
My dad showed me an artical today about how America views God. He brought up an interesting point, does/should this effect how we approach people with the idea of God and salvation? Does their preconceived view of God effect how open they are to the gospel, and how well they understand the idea of the gospel.
The artical can be found at
It says that people have one of views of God, and these views effect their attitudes on political issues
1. Authoritative
2. Benevolent
3. Critical
4. Distant
I decided to take the quiz at my results:
Based on your answers, you view God as being authoritative.
An authoritative God is one who is engaged in the world and judgmental of it.
23.2% of the people who have taken this survey responded with a God type of authoritative.

Of the people who have taken this survey and responded with a God type of authoritative:
7.2% are female.
8.3% are ages 18 to 35.
4.3% are of having some college or technical training.
15.7% are Protestant.
The artical can be found at
It says that people have one of views of God, and these views effect their attitudes on political issues
1. Authoritative
2. Benevolent
3. Critical
4. Distant
I decided to take the quiz at my results:
Based on your answers, you view God as being authoritative.
An authoritative God is one who is engaged in the world and judgmental of it.
23.2% of the people who have taken this survey responded with a God type of authoritative.
Of the people who have taken this survey and responded with a God type of authoritative:
7.2% are female.
8.3% are ages 18 to 35.
4.3% are of having some college or technical training.
15.7% are Protestant.
Friday, October 8, 2010
My life is average
An alligator on my keyboard...
A puppy by the door...
A koala in the hallway...
An assortment of empty bottles in the kitchen...
A flag on the fridge...
AND an invasion of leprechauns and koalas around the house...
Whats that Mr. Gorilla? You're afraid of hieghts? why are you on the trophy?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sustained and Established by God
I found this quote by George Muller very eye opening "The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." When I am worried, or stressed I am trying to control my life and I am not trusting that God is powerful enough or faithful enough to have control of my life.
Some verses from my Bible study homework that I found encouraging and...
2 Cor. 3:5 Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.
1 Cor 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
Some verses from my Bible study homework that I found encouraging and...
2 Cor. 3:5 Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.
1 Cor 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Psych nursing
Psych nursing. Sad, Challenging, Heart breaking, Frustrating, Draining, Interesting
I never considered psych nursing till today! could be an interesting job...
I never considered psych nursing till today! could be an interesting job...
A song about Tuesday
Wake up every tuesday feeling like p-diddy.
Hit snooze on my alarm and sleep till 5:30.
Eat some icing drink some coffee, brush my teeth get dressed
The clouds are out, wheathers cool how could I be depressed
On my way in the car listening to latest the hit
Hope ill be an extra at work and just get to sit
Sitting with 2 patients watching for safetys sake
Almost lost my patience then someone brought me cake
I made it throught the day only 3 hours left
Bible study about David im sure its the best
Love the study love the people just loving God
Lastly going running so I can get a toned bod
Blog updated, homework barely completed
I think ill go to sleep, tomorrow I work with psych patients!
Hit snooze on my alarm and sleep till 5:30.
Eat some icing drink some coffee, brush my teeth get dressed
The clouds are out, wheathers cool how could I be depressed
On my way in the car listening to latest the hit
Hope ill be an extra at work and just get to sit
Sitting with 2 patients watching for safetys sake
Almost lost my patience then someone brought me cake
I made it throught the day only 3 hours left
Bible study about David im sure its the best
Love the study love the people just loving God
Lastly going running so I can get a toned bod
Blog updated, homework barely completed
I think ill go to sleep, tomorrow I work with psych patients!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Who am I?
Today in our SNUA meeting we listened to an excellent presentation about how to prepare for interviews. "Tell me about yourself?" was the question that kept coming up. You have to be able to describe yourself and make YOU sound good.
But who am I? Am I the wangster my roomates know me as. the one who knows every word to every pop song in the last 3 years?

I am all of these and none of these...I have seen myself change so much in one year, more than I have changed in a very long time. I am definitely working on being content with who I am in Jesus. I am realizing that it doesnt really matter how I show myself to the world, as long as I am living whole heartedly for Jesus Christ, willing to go and do what he calls me to do.
I still struggle with wanting to be the 4.0 student, the jock, the funny girl, the loving daughter, the caring sister, the encouraging girlfriend, the friend whos always available...the sad part is I fail at all of these on many occasions. I put my worth in making myself into who I want to be. When I am focused on being who I WANT to be I lose sight of who I am MEANT to be.
Colossians 2:7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:10 and God has made you complete in Christ. Christ is in charge of every ruler and authority.
But who am I? Am I the wangster my roomates know me as. the one who knows every word to every pop song in the last 3 years?
Am I the jock I try so hard to be? The one who takes on any physical challenge?
Am I the girl who studies for 30hrs for a test...
Or am I that person who strives to be the "funny" one...I am all of these and none of these...I have seen myself change so much in one year, more than I have changed in a very long time. I am definitely working on being content with who I am in Jesus. I am realizing that it doesnt really matter how I show myself to the world, as long as I am living whole heartedly for Jesus Christ, willing to go and do what he calls me to do.
I still struggle with wanting to be the 4.0 student, the jock, the funny girl, the loving daughter, the caring sister, the encouraging girlfriend, the friend whos always available...the sad part is I fail at all of these on many occasions. I put my worth in making myself into who I want to be. When I am focused on being who I WANT to be I lose sight of who I am MEANT to be.
Colossians 2:7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:10 and God has made you complete in Christ. Christ is in charge of every ruler and authority.
2 Corinthians 5:20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
DJs got us fallin in love again
CRU at UA fall retreat video awesomeness
CRU at UA fall retreat video awesomeness
I love my sister! I was just thinking about how cool it is to have her here at the same school, and to see how she is adjusting to college life. It made me think of some of the things we have learned over the years...
1. When you tease and fight with your sister on long road trips your parents will get very angry...when you have fun and laugh "loudly" with your sister on long road trips your parents will get very angry!
2. When no one else will, she will pose with you for silly pictures in public
3. Wearing matching clothes and acting like you like each other makes parents happy
4. We have the same sense of humor...aka. Jim Gaffigan is awesome! Hot pocket...Caliente pocket!
5. Mom cant hear us when we talk in our deep "man" voices...and dad cant hear us when we talk in our high "squeeky" voices...this discovery in a small tent trailer also makes parents very angry
6. If you take enough self pictures in the back of the car with the flash will get yelled at
7. I'm still taller
8. We like to run!...err we like to run to the free ice cream at the finish line.
9. Wildcats are fierce...and so is face paint!
10. Sisters are always there for you. Love ya Shelbo
1. When you tease and fight with your sister on long road trips your parents will get very angry...when you have fun and laugh "loudly" with your sister on long road trips your parents will get very angry!
2. When no one else will, she will pose with you for silly pictures in public
3. Wearing matching clothes and acting like you like each other makes parents happy
4. We have the same sense of humor...aka. Jim Gaffigan is awesome! Hot pocket...Caliente pocket!
5. Mom cant hear us when we talk in our deep "man" voices...and dad cant hear us when we talk in our high "squeeky" voices...this discovery in a small tent trailer also makes parents very angry
6. If you take enough self pictures in the back of the car with the flash will get yelled at
7. I'm still taller
8. We like to run!...err we like to run to the free ice cream at the finish line.
9. Wildcats are fierce...and so is face paint!

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Studying is insane
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. As I read this for the seventh time in my psych notes I realize, I haven't studied for a test this intensely since my first semester of nursing college...I am going Insane!
Late night run
Thanks to my dad for introducing this song to me. Every time I go running at night I think of this song even when there isnt a full moon, night is an interestingly spooky time to go running and I love it. Tonight i began my run down mountain road at a time later than usual. Mountain is an interesting day its a busy street, people walking, biking, running, driving, skipping... by night mountain turns into a dark street with daunting dim yellow lights, similar to a tunnel one would hold their breath while driving under. I set out on my 6 mile journey radio playing KLOV it was an uneventful run, a few groups of people were out walking and I saw a total of 4 bikes the entire way. Halfway into the second mile I ran past an old man standing by a car parked in the front yard of what I assume to be his house he was hunched over his trunk with one hand holding something in a plastic bag and one hand holding a flashlight shining into that plastic bag, there were three other plastic bags on top of his car as well. I couldnt help but wonder what he was up to...why didnt he go inside his house to look at whatever he was messing with? why was he hiding it in the plastic bag? why did it smell so bad? it smelled really odd as I ran I ran quickly.
On my way back past the house, mile three, the old man had moved to the other side of his car and was just holding the plastic bag in his hand, and he was just looking at his car. He glanced over at me and I smiled...I was still trying to figure out what he was doing. Luckily, I ran past him again, mile 4, he had disposed of all but one plastic bag on top of his car.He was again looking into that bag very intensely staring at the contents with his flashlight. He didnt see me coming his back was to me. I still wanted to know why it smelled so bad right by his house. I had run past there three times and nowhere did I smell anything as bad as right by this old man.
Mile 5, I was passing the old man for the last time. I was surprised to see the old man had his cars passenger side door open, and he was shining his flashlight into his car, all the bags were gone and the man was shining his flashlight back and forth through his car. well I thought to myself...I guess I will never know for sure what that man was up to, and there are just too many stories I can make up....So my last mile consisted of me making up a story about what I just saw...was the man burying his dead pets? sorting through trash bags he found? hiding illegal drugs? fixing his car (I decided no, thats too boring)...hiding junk food from his wife? preparing bait for his big fishing trip? freaking out runners dumb enough to be out so late? I guess Iwill never know...all I know is running down mountain is never boring!
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