Sunday, October 10, 2010

America's 4 views of God

My dad showed me an artical today about how America views God. He brought up an interesting point, does/should this effect how we approach people with the idea of God and salvation? Does their preconceived view of God effect how open they are to the gospel, and how well they understand the idea of the gospel.

The artical can be found at
It says that people have one of views of God, and these views effect their attitudes on political issues
1. Authoritative
2. Benevolent
3. Critical
4. Distant

I decided to take the quiz at my results:

Based on your answers, you view God as being authoritative.

An authoritative God is one who is engaged in the world and judgmental of it.

23.2% of the people who have taken this survey responded with a God type of authoritative.

Sample chart

Of the people who have taken this survey and responded with a God type of authoritative:

7.2% are female.
8.3% are ages 18 to 35.
4.3% are of having some college or technical training.
15.7% are Protestant.


  1. i got..

    Based on your answers, you view God as being benevolent.

    A benevolent God is one who is engaged in the world, yet non-judgmental.

    28.4% of the people who have taken this survey responded with a God type of benevolent.

  2. Interesting...and we grew up in the same house!

  3. but we went to different churches
