Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Consciousness

What decisions would I make differently, what actions would I take, how would I live my day to day if I lived it with God standing behind me...
In Bible study Priscilla Shirer gave an example of her sister at a bootcamp workout, and how the workout would become 100x more enjoyable and easy for her sister when the instructor was nearby. This applies to our daily thoughts and actions and living for God. Waking up each morning with the knowledge that God is here and watching and helping, will have a definite impact on the actions and choices you make. She mentioned that having God awareness is going to cost you something and cause you to make decisions that you normally wouldnt make. God calls us to certain tasks and allows us to be part of his mission and plan for the world. How do we know what those plans are? He talks to us... The more you know God the more clearly you will be able to hear him. The more effort and time you put into a relationship with Him the easier it will be to distinguish Gods voice and desires from those of this world. Just as with family and friends the more you know about them, the easier it is to distinguish them in a crowd.
I just thought this was funny

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